Printable Slitherlink puzzles
At we have hundreds of printable Slitherlink logic puzzles for you. We offer printable puzzles in many formats that will boost your IQ level. The rules of Slitherlink are at the bottom of this page.
The Basic Rules of Slitherlink

1. Connect dots by a continuous path or loop The dots in the grid need to be connected by a continuous path, loop or slither (whatever language you prefer) without a begin and end point. It is not necessary to connect all the dots. Some dotted squared have a '0' as clue number and may not be part of the loop.

The loop, path or slither, must connect dots either horizontally or vertically. Diagonal shortcuts, how tempting they might be, are not allowed according to the official Nikoli rules. In our example on the left we kind of ignored these rules The 3 in the upper right corner, has a diagonal connection. This is wrong, so don't.

Let's repeat this rule: the number between 4 dots indicate how many of its squared sides are part of the loop. A 3 printed between 4 dots has 3 lines that are part of a loop, a 1 has 1 line and a zero has o lines as part of the loop. A 5 is, therefore, impossible unless you find a Slitherlink puzzle with pentagons (maybe a good idea for the creative geniuses among us)

When a group of 4 dots, or a dotted square doesn not contain a clue number it can have any number of sides that take part of the loop: be it 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. It's up to you to figure this out. You can check the Wikipedia strategy page to get some additional ideas about numberless squares.

The loop drawn in the grid connecting some of it dots is continuous without a beginning and end and does not have side branches. In our example on the left, we are hopelessly lost as we have open ends. Not good!
Some Solving Strategies for Slitherlink Puzzles
There are a lot of solving strategies for the Slitherlink logic puzzles. We could highlight a couple of them but think it's better to recommend some of the excellent websites already online. Especially Wikipedia has a number of excellent number combination scanning techniques and strategies. Because of our respect for copyright, we prefer to refer to them rather than to copy their logic techniques.
Slitherlink puzzles are visual logic puzzles
Our printable Slitherlink logic puzzles are based on connecting dots with a continuous loop. Solving our puzzles requires a healthy dose of visual or spatial intelligence. By doing them regularly you can train your brain and boost your brain power.
Slitherlink puzzles are for all ages
Sudoku puzzles, Slitherlink puzzles are for all ages and not only for grandparents we feel. For the younger players there are loads of interesting applications online that can be downloaded or played. If you prefer the Slitherlink puzzle in a printable format, you came to the right place. We have loads of them.
Slitherlink puzzles stimulate our brains
Solving puzzles means that you are actively using your brain's abilities or cognition. Doing puzzles is like a mental workout for your brain.
Slitherlink puzzles are highly addictive
Be careful when you start doing our Slitherlink logic puzzles, as they are highly addictive. At first you won't see the association or logical patterns yet, but that will come soon. Once you recognize the patterns of the puzzle, you'll be hooked. You are warned.
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