Printable Kakuro Math Puzzles
At we have hundreds of printable Kakuro math addition puzzles for you. We offer puzzles in 4 formats ,that will boost your math skills. You can find the rules of Kakuro at the bottom of this page.
These are our printable 8 by 8 Kakuro puzzles, ideal number puzzles to train your basic math skills.
Like our math puzzles for kids? Here are our other printable math puzzles categories.
The Basic Rules of Kakuro Math
1. Fill in the digits 1 to 9 in the empty white cells
The kakuro grids are divided in white cells, cells with printed numbers and shaded cells (dead cells). You have to fill in the numbers 1 to 9 in the white empty cells. There is no difference between the 6 by 6 grids or the 12 by 12 Kakuros, in both grid sizes the numbers 1 to 9 apply (so no 12 in the 12 by 12).
2. The sum of each horizontal block must equal the printed clue on its left
The white cells form horizontal and vertical blocks. On the left side of a horizontal block you see a shaded cell
with a diagonal line and 1 or 2 clue numbers. For the horizontal white blocks you need the
clue above the line. The white cells need to add up to that clue number. In the example on the left you
see a white block of 2 cells with the clue '4'. The answers must be a '1' and a '3' (2 and 2 are not allowed, see rule 4).
3. The sum of each vertical must equal the printed clue above it
The same applies for the vertical groups of white blocks. Their clue numbers are under the diagonal lines. In our example on the left we have the clue '12' and have filled in a '3' and a '9'. We could also have used a 4 and 8, or 7 and 5. This is dependent in the rest of the puzzle and combines math and logic in the Kakuro puzzles.
4. You can only use a digit once in each horizontal or vertical block
In a group of white cells, be it horizontal or vertical, you may use a digit only once. In our example on the left we have 2 sixes adding up to 12 and this is not allowed. This rule only applies to the white cell groups and not to the horizontal and vertical grid lines (as in Sudoku).
General Solving Strategies for Kakuro Puzzles
Many Kakuro addicts (lovers) will know the addition and number combinations that are to be found in teh puzzle. Here are some general strategies for the printable kakuro math puzzles:
Know your Kakuro number/addition combinations
Kakuro is all
about adding numbers and number combinations. A clue of '3' with 2 white cells can only be filled with a '1' and a '2'.
A clue of of 6 with 3 white cells must be the combination 1,2 and 3.Mix your math and logic skills to solve our printable Kakuro puzzles.
Lone squares are easy give aways
This clue is pretty easy and simple to understand as it involves basic subtraction. If a white group has a lone white cell left, you can do the math and fill it in. In our example on the left you must fill in a '4' in the white group with the 5 clue (1 and 4 make 5). In the vertical group we have to add the number '5' as its clue on the top is a '6'. Very easy indeed.
Solving Kakuro puzzles can improve your math skills
Kakuro puzzles combine logic with addition skills and are excellent math remedial training materials. By getting better in the addition combinations involved in the Kakuro grids, you will get better at mathematical operations in general. Solving Kakuro puzzles does not only boost your brain power, but also your math skills.
Kakuro Puzzles increase Problem Solving Skills
Kakuro puzzles are said to add an extra dimension to the Sudoku logic puzzles. This extra, mathematical dimension, make these puzzles very suitable for math and IQ training. Your problem solving skills will be tested to the max. Solving Kakuro puzzles requires you to combine addition skills and logic. Only math won't solve these puzzles, you need to apply your logic and problem solving skills as well.
Solving Kakuros make you proud of yourself
The accomplishment of finishing a difficult Kakuro puzzle increases your self-esteem. This boosted self-confidence, the belief in your abilities, will benefit you in all aspect of your personal life. This might sound weird, but is quite simple. To solve difficult situation, solve problems, increases our brain power. Combine this with a feeling of achievement, motivation or self- esteem, and it's easy to see why Kakuro puzzles can be good for you. Better than watching tv in our opinion.
Meta Cognition
Solving Kakuros, Sudokus or whatever puzzle you like boosts your cognitive skills and intelligence but also your meta cognitive skills. The ability to organize your problem solving skills, to think sequentially is part of your meta cognition. Meta cognitive skills are very important as they form the framework for our thinking, logic and problem solving abilities.
Puzzles are relaxing
Solving puzzles calm you down, make you reflect on yourself and daily life and can be a form of mediation for many people. Compare it with reading books rather than watching tv. Reading is relaxing, form imagination and calms you down. Puzzles can have the same functions, but can also have the opposite effect. If your start throwing with in frustration because you're not seeing the answer, we advise you to go to the library and pick reading instead.

2. The sum of each horizontal block must equal the printed clue on its left

3. The sum of each vertical must equal the printed clue above it

4. You can only use a digit once in each horizontal or vertical block

General Solving Strategies for Kakuro Puzzles
Many Kakuro addicts (lovers) will know the addition and number combinations that are to be found in teh puzzle. Here are some general strategies for the printable kakuro math puzzles:
Know your Kakuro number/addition combinations

Lone squares are easy give aways

Solving Kakuro puzzles can improve your math skills
Kakuro puzzles combine logic with addition skills and are excellent math remedial training materials. By getting better in the addition combinations involved in the Kakuro grids, you will get better at mathematical operations in general. Solving Kakuro puzzles does not only boost your brain power, but also your math skills.
Kakuro Puzzles increase Problem Solving Skills
Kakuro puzzles are said to add an extra dimension to the Sudoku logic puzzles. This extra, mathematical dimension, make these puzzles very suitable for math and IQ training. Your problem solving skills will be tested to the max. Solving Kakuro puzzles requires you to combine addition skills and logic. Only math won't solve these puzzles, you need to apply your logic and problem solving skills as well.
Solving Kakuros make you proud of yourself
The accomplishment of finishing a difficult Kakuro puzzle increases your self-esteem. This boosted self-confidence, the belief in your abilities, will benefit you in all aspect of your personal life. This might sound weird, but is quite simple. To solve difficult situation, solve problems, increases our brain power. Combine this with a feeling of achievement, motivation or self- esteem, and it's easy to see why Kakuro puzzles can be good for you. Better than watching tv in our opinion.
Meta Cognition
Solving Kakuros, Sudokus or whatever puzzle you like boosts your cognitive skills and intelligence but also your meta cognitive skills. The ability to organize your problem solving skills, to think sequentially is part of your meta cognition. Meta cognitive skills are very important as they form the framework for our thinking, logic and problem solving abilities.
Puzzles are relaxing
Solving puzzles calm you down, make you reflect on yourself and daily life and can be a form of mediation for many people. Compare it with reading books rather than watching tv. Reading is relaxing, form imagination and calms you down. Puzzles can have the same functions, but can also have the opposite effect. If your start throwing with in frustration because you're not seeing the answer, we advise you to go to the library and pick reading instead.
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