Building Bridges Logic Puzzle
At we offer you the highly addictive hashiwokakero (or ashi o kakero puzzles). Without any disrespect to the beautiful Japanese language, we prefer the name Build Bridges, because a hashiwokakero puzzle is probably more difficult to spell than to solve. We have Build Bridges puzzles in 3 formats: the easier 6 by 6, the more challenging 9 by 9 and the cracking 12 by 18 grid sizes.
The Basic Rules of Build Bridges
Build Bridges is a fantastic visual logic puzzle that will hook you immediately. Within the grids of different sizes you find islands and numbers and have to connect the island by so called bridges. This logic puzzle will test your spatial intelligence to the max.
1. Draw bridges (lines) between the islands (numbered circles)
The Build Bridges grids are filled with numbered circles. The goal of the puzzle is to connect all islands (circles) by drawing lines (bridges between them). All islands must be connected.
2. The number of bridges connecting must equal the number in the circle
Each island has a number printed in it and the number of lines, bridges, that connect an island must equal to that number. You can see that the blue island is connected by 2 bridges and that the island with the 4 in it is connected by 4 single bridges.
3. The maximum number of bridges connecting two islands is 2
The maximum number of lines between islands is 2, either a single bridge or double bridge are allowed. You are not allowed to draw let's say 3 bridges between the 3 and the 4 in our example on the left.
4. The bridges connect islands horizontally or vertically
The bridges that connect the islands are draw horizontally or vertically. You may not connect islands diagonally. The example on the left shows an incorrect solution, the 2 ones and the 2 are connected with diagonal lines! Not possible!
5. The bridges may not cross each other
Another important rule is that the bridges may not cross each other. In the example we see the bridge between the 3 and the 1's cross, which is not allowed.
6. The bridges and islands must form a single connected group
All islands are connected by bridges that form a single connected group that does not cross itself (rule 5). In our example we have 2 groups of islands. The 2 twos are a single group, which is not allowed.
Some very good reasons why solving Build Bridges Puzzles is so good for you.
Solving our Build Bridges puzzles (or Hashiwokakero in Japanese) is not just fun and a relaxing logic puzzle but also has a lot of benefits for our brains.
It sharpens your critical thinking skills
Solving puzzles is all about trial and error, thinking logically and eliminating alternatives. This continuous process of analyzing options has a great effect on our brains as it sharpens our critical thinking skills. By thinking critically, out of the box, we are must better able to solve logic puzzles
It improves our problem solving skills
Solving puzzles is has a great effect on our ability to solve problems in general. By keeping our brains active and trained, by simply doing logic puzzles, we can apply this some logic to ordinary real life situations. We seem to be better prepared to solve all kind of problems, such as going shopping. Keeping our brain power boosted by doing puzzles is as going to the gym and keeping our body prepared for physical work.
It helps us in multi-tasking thinking skills
Solving Build Bridges puzzles require you to think both sequential as on task thinking. By visualizing the end result we can make our way through the puzzle. This multi-layer of thinking, focusing on the end and on your present position in the puzzle is a kind of multi-tasking that enhances our brain powers in general.
It helps stay mentally fit
The brain has the same needs as the rest of our body. It needs to stay in shape. When you don't exercise, eat bad, smoke, drink, your physical powers reduce. The same rule applies to the brain, if it not challenged its capacity gets less. When you pick up a new study, you can easy realize this effect. It's more difficult to get into learning mode than the actual content of your study. The brain and its functions first need to get back in shape, before it can do its magic again.

The Build Bridges grids are filled with numbered circles. The goal of the puzzle is to connect all islands (circles) by drawing lines (bridges between them). All islands must be connected.

Each island has a number printed in it and the number of lines, bridges, that connect an island must equal to that number. You can see that the blue island is connected by 2 bridges and that the island with the 4 in it is connected by 4 single bridges.

The maximum number of lines between islands is 2, either a single bridge or double bridge are allowed. You are not allowed to draw let's say 3 bridges between the 3 and the 4 in our example on the left.

The bridges that connect the islands are draw horizontally or vertically. You may not connect islands diagonally. The example on the left shows an incorrect solution, the 2 ones and the 2 are connected with diagonal lines! Not possible!

Another important rule is that the bridges may not cross each other. In the example we see the bridge between the 3 and the 1's cross, which is not allowed.

All islands are connected by bridges that form a single connected group that does not cross itself (rule 5). In our example we have 2 groups of islands. The 2 twos are a single group, which is not allowed.
Some very good reasons why solving Build Bridges Puzzles is so good for you.
Solving our Build Bridges puzzles (or Hashiwokakero in Japanese) is not just fun and a relaxing logic puzzle but also has a lot of benefits for our brains.
It sharpens your critical thinking skills
Solving puzzles is all about trial and error, thinking logically and eliminating alternatives. This continuous process of analyzing options has a great effect on our brains as it sharpens our critical thinking skills. By thinking critically, out of the box, we are must better able to solve logic puzzles
It improves our problem solving skills
Solving puzzles is has a great effect on our ability to solve problems in general. By keeping our brains active and trained, by simply doing logic puzzles, we can apply this some logic to ordinary real life situations. We seem to be better prepared to solve all kind of problems, such as going shopping. Keeping our brain power boosted by doing puzzles is as going to the gym and keeping our body prepared for physical work.
It helps us in multi-tasking thinking skills
Solving Build Bridges puzzles require you to think both sequential as on task thinking. By visualizing the end result we can make our way through the puzzle. This multi-layer of thinking, focusing on the end and on your present position in the puzzle is a kind of multi-tasking that enhances our brain powers in general.
It helps stay mentally fit
The brain has the same needs as the rest of our body. It needs to stay in shape. When you don't exercise, eat bad, smoke, drink, your physical powers reduce. The same rule applies to the brain, if it not challenged its capacity gets less. When you pick up a new study, you can easy realize this effect. It's more difficult to get into learning mode than the actual content of your study. The brain and its functions first need to get back in shape, before it can do its magic again.
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