Printable Numbrix Logic Puzzles
At we have hundreds of printable Numbrix puzzles for you. We offer printable puzzles in many formats: from the smaller 6 by 6 to the super 15 by 15, and 4 difficulty levels. The rules of Numbrix are at the bottom of this page.
The Basic Rules of Numbrix
1. Fill in the missing numbers in the grids
The grids are divided into cells that are either filled in by a number or empty. The start number 1 and the end number of the Number Snake puzzle are printed). This end number can be 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 144 or 225, depending on the grid size (a grid of 10 by 10 contains 100 cells). The objective is to fill in the missing numbers.
2. Connect numbers in a continuous loop or path
All numbers in the grid need to connect. The 1 must connect to the 2, the 99 to the 100. The loop (or path) of numbers must be continuous and form a single chain of numbers. Number snake puzzles are based on logic and not on mathematics and will boost your logic brain power when you solve them.
3. Start and End numbers are printed in circles<
In each grid the start and finish numbers (end numbers) are printed in circles. The end number depends on the grid size: a 5 by 5 grid has an end number of 25, while a 12 by 12 grid has an (12 x 12) end number of 144. Unlike our Numbricks puzzles, all the start and end numbers are given so that you don't have to do the math. Not that this would be difficult, but anyway.
4. Numbers must connect horizontally, vertically or diagonally
The numbers in the
grid must connect either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Unlike the Numbricks puzzles you are allowed to
connect numbers diagonally (as shown in the example on the left). This does not mean that Number Snake puzzles are
easier than Numbricks puzzles, but that it does add an extra dimension to the logic puzzle.
5. Each puzzle has only 1 solution
Each puzzle should have only 1 unique solution. Do you find any more possible number chains, please contact us. We will impose a large fine on our developer's salary.
Keeping your brain in top shape
Just as with our bodies we need to train our brains and keep them fit. Nutrition and workouts are not sufficient, we also need mental workouts and reduce our stress level. How to do that? We came up with a couple of things that can keep our brains in top shape.
Reading books
Despite the fact that we don't offer books, we do advise everyone to pick up a book occasionally. Reading is essential in terms of brain development and brain training. Where movies and television serve us the information in fast food-like proportions, reading requires imagination and focus. Reading makes you more intelligence, calms you down and keeps your brain powers active! And we are not talking about cartoons here!
Physical exercise
Exercising releases specific chemicals to your brain such as Endorphins and certain growth hormones. The brain is a muscle and also needs those growth hormones, so by exercising your body will make also share with your brain. So first print one of our puzzles, solve it and then to the gym.
Solving logic puzzles
Solving Number Hidato puzzles keeps your brain sharp and fit. The brain's left part is our logic reasoning center and this needs to stay in shape. Puzzles keep you alert, awake and boost our brain powers. Actively solving puzzles and working on problem solving strategies keeps our brains young and fit! So don't read this, but print one of our puzzles and work it!
We love music and so does the right side of your brain. Especially pianos stimulate the music center in our brains. So the solution to keep your brain in top shape is fairly easy, read a book, go to the gym, solve some puzzles and put on your ipod while doing this!

2. Connect numbers in a continuous loop or path

3. Start and End numbers are printed in circles<

4. Numbers must connect horizontally, vertically or diagonally

5. Each puzzle has only 1 solution

Keeping your brain in top shape
Just as with our bodies we need to train our brains and keep them fit. Nutrition and workouts are not sufficient, we also need mental workouts and reduce our stress level. How to do that? We came up with a couple of things that can keep our brains in top shape.
Reading books
Despite the fact that we don't offer books, we do advise everyone to pick up a book occasionally. Reading is essential in terms of brain development and brain training. Where movies and television serve us the information in fast food-like proportions, reading requires imagination and focus. Reading makes you more intelligence, calms you down and keeps your brain powers active! And we are not talking about cartoons here!
Physical exercise
Exercising releases specific chemicals to your brain such as Endorphins and certain growth hormones. The brain is a muscle and also needs those growth hormones, so by exercising your body will make also share with your brain. So first print one of our puzzles, solve it and then to the gym.
Solving logic puzzles
Solving Number Hidato puzzles keeps your brain sharp and fit. The brain's left part is our logic reasoning center and this needs to stay in shape. Puzzles keep you alert, awake and boost our brain powers. Actively solving puzzles and working on problem solving strategies keeps our brains young and fit! So don't read this, but print one of our puzzles and work it!
We love music and so does the right side of your brain. Especially pianos stimulate the music center in our brains. So the solution to keep your brain in top shape is fairly easy, read a book, go to the gym, solve some puzzles and put on your ipod while doing this!
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