At we have 1000's of printable Japanese logic and math puzzles. Feel free to download them for free and to boost your brainpower. You can choose from the following puzzles.

Sudoku puzzles are great brain boosters, that need patience and intelligence. They are perfect for both children and adults. Our Sudoku puzzles are printable and made for young and old. Click here to go to our printable Sudoku download page.
Killer math Sudoku

Killer Sudoku are a combination of Sudoku and addition. It combines both logic and math skills and are great to train and boost you math skills. Click here to go to our printable Killer Sudoku download page.
Printable MathDoku puzzles

MathDoku is a great printable puzzle that combines arithmetic and math skills with logic reasoning. The rules are the same as those of the famous KenKen en KenDoku puzzles. Click here to go to our printable Mathdoku download page.
Kakuro addition puzzles

Kakuro puzzles are addition puzzles based on addition combinations. Our printable kakuro puzzles are fantastic for math students and teachers as they will boost your number and IQ skills. Click here to go to our printable Kakuro download page.
Numbrix logic puzzles

In Numbrix puzzles you will have to connect all numbers without letting your pencil of the paper. This logic puzzle is great for both kids and adults, as it is easy to learn. Click here to go to our printable Numbrix download page.
Building Bridges

Building Bridges is a fantastic visual logic puzzle that will hook you immediately. Within the grids of different sizes you find islands and numbers and have to connect the island by so called bridges. This logic puzzle will test your spatial intelligence to the max. Click here to go the printable puzzles download page.
HIDATO Number Snakes

The objective of Hidato puzzles is is to form a continuous path of numbers from 1 to the (given) end number of the puzzle, based on the grid size. Click here to go to our printable Hidato download page.
Slitherlink logic puzzles

The objective is to connect dots in the grid horizontally or vertically so that the lines form a continous path (slitherlink). Click here to go to our printable Slitherlink download page.
Hitori logic puzzles

The objective of Hitori is to shade (or black out) cells so that there are no duplicate numbers in each row and column in the grid. Click here to go to our printable Hitori download page.
Masyu Circles puzzles

The objective if Masyu Circles is to draw a single continuous loop that passes through all circles once. The loop may not cross itself and passes circles horizontally or vertically. Click here to go to our printable Masyu download page.
Nurikabe logic puzzles

The objective of Nurikabe is to make 'islands' of white squares that contain exactly one of the printed number. The number of white squares in each island should equal this printed number. Click here to go to our printable Nurikabe download page.
Kuromasu logic puzzles

The objective of Kuromasu is to find out whether cells in the grid stay white or must be shaded or darkened. The numbers in a cell indicate how many white cells, including itself, can be seen from that cell in horizontal and vertical direction. Click here to go to our printable Kuromasu download page.
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